Intresserad av att delta i utbyte inom Norden och Baltikum?

Då ska ni delta i Nordplus digitala café den 30 september 2021 för mer information (på engelska). För ytterligare information hittar du på Nordplus webbplats:

"Are you curious about exchanges within the Nordic countries and Baltic states? Maybe you’re already participating in a Nordic-Baltic cooperation project and would like to share your experiences with and inspire others. If so, we warmly welcome you to the Nordplus Programme’s digital café!
At each meeting, you’ll have the opportunity to receive information from programme administrators and other participants, ask questions and network with colleagues. Our next meeting will once again focus on preschool. Among other things, you’ll receive tips on the Nordplus contact seminar for preschools which will be held in Copenhagen.
The café is conducted in English or a Scandinavian language, depending on the participants. Bring a cup of coffee and stop by"!